The men of Tau Rho Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. are thrilled to offer any male
graduating high school an opportunity to apply for our scholarship. Applicants should live within
our service area (The City of Fredericksburg, the counties of Caroline, King George,
Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland).
The Tau Rho Chapter was organized in 1964, and since that time, we have given over $100,000 to assist area students with their educational expenses. Our organization was founded on Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift principles. While we do many things to enhance the quality of life in our community, we feel most vital about helping to educate area students. I invite you to visit our website to learn about the history of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Graduating male students with a GPA of at least 2.5 may apply. There is no subject major required. However, the requirements are as follows: two letters of recommendation, a one-page essay expressing why you want to pursue a college degree, a partial transcript at the time of application with a final transcript upon graduation, and an acceptance letter from the college you plan to attend.
Thanks again for your interest in our scholarship, and we wish you much success in your educational endeavors.
Kind regards,
Steven F. Gilchrist
Scholarship Chairperson